Awake in the World | The Six Paramitas
Sundays: June 2, 9, 16 | 10 AM - 12 PM (Pacific)
A disciple asks the Buddha, “How many bases for training are there for those seeking enlightenment?” The Buddha replied, “There are Six: Generosity, Ethical Discipline, Patience, Enthusiastic Effort, Concentrative Meditation, and Wisdom.” - from the Large Sutra on the Perfection of Wisdom (Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita)
The Six Perfections describe the true nature of an enlightened being, which is to say they are our own true nature. If they don’t seem to be our true nature, it is because the perfections are obscured by our delusion, anger, greed, and fear. By cultivating these perfections, we bring this true nature into expression. In this three- part series we will practice the Perfections of Generosity, Ethical Discipline and Patience.
Exploring Generosity includes setting good and honest boundaries around our giving to others and ourselves. To do that employs Ethical Discipline, said to be the fuel that keeps us on the Bodhisattva path. And Patience–this is the big one that gives us the scope of practice that includes all past and future lifetimes! Of all the practices you can do as a Buddhist practitioner, the practice of the Six Perfections is one that will supercharge your Awakening.
Fees: $120 (series fee) | $150 (series fee + support) | $90 (Sukhasiddhi Members)
Registration closes Saturday, June 1 at 12 PM.