Dharma Deep Dive (formerly Sukhasiddhi Sundays) is an opportunity for both new and experienced practitioners to come together in the community, exploring the principles of Vajrayana Buddhism through meditation, inquiry, and discussion.

Our series structure offers
two six week courses, outlined below. You may sign up for one course or both.

Each live session includes meditation, inquiry and discussion, and guidance for how to allow the teachings to steep in your experience between classes, becoming a lived understanding.


Topic: The Four Noble Truths: Understanding Suffering and Finding Freedom in Our Shared Human Experience

Sundays | January 19, 26 & February 2, 9, 16, 23

In-person at our new center (7110 Redwood Blvd, Suite B., Novato, CA) or online via Zoom.

9:00 AM - 11 AM PT

The Buddha’s first teaching was a presentation of the Four Noble Truths—an accessible yet profound exploration of the human condition. These teachings offer a practical framework for understanding our experience and transforming our relationship with life’s challenges by pointing to the reality of suffering, its origin, the possibility of liberation, and the path leading to freedom.

The suffering described in the Four Noble Truths refers to the underlying dissatisfaction we experience, even in moments of joy and connection. Our tendency to grasp at pleasure and resist discomfort creates a cycle of attachment and struggle. On a deeper level, this grasping stems from clinging to a fixed sense of self as separate and independent. The Four Noble Truths serve as a gateway to recognizing and working with this fundamental misunderstanding.

In this class, we will explore the traditional teachings of the Four Noble Truths while examining how they manifest in the complexities of 21st-century life. We will investigate the many ways we cling to experiences and our sense of identity, both in obvious and subtle ways. We will also explore how loosening this grip can open space for living with greater ease, compassion, and freedom, benefitting both ourselves and others.

Each class will include meditation instruction and a guided silent sitting practice. After the teachings, Lama Döndrup will introduce a contemplative exercise, followed by small-group discussions where participants can reflect on their personal experience in an open, supportive environment.

No prerequisites are required. We welcome students of all levels to deepen their understand of these essential teachings.

$225 course fee
$185 (base)
$175 (Sukhasiddhi member)
$300 (benefactor)

The deadline to register is Saturday, January 18 at 12 PM (Pacific).

**Please Note: This Dharma Deep Dive class series is included in the Dharma Training Program as part of the curriculum. If you are already enrolled in DTP, you do not need to register separately for this series. 
**Please Note: This Dharma Deep Dive class series is NOT included in the Bodhi Program. If you are enrolled in Bodhi and are interested in this series, you will need to register separately.


Topic: The Courageous Heart:
the Wisdom of Prajnaparamita

Sundays | January 19, 26 & February 2, 9, 16, 23

In-person at our new center (7110 Redwood Blvd, Suite B., Novato, CA) or online via Zoom.

11:15 AM - 1:30 PM PT

The Prajnaparamita Sutras are revered as the heart of Mahayana Buddhism, offering profound insights into the nature of reality, interdependence, and the wisdom of emptiness. Central to the Mahayana tradition and the Path of the Bodhisattva, these teachings provide essential guidance for cultivating wisdom and compassion on the journey to enlightenment. In this 6-week class series, we will delve into the Heart Sutra, one of the most concise and potent teachings within this collection. Renowned for its profound simplicity and evocative power, the Heart Sutra distills the vast teachings of the Prajnaparamita into concise and inspiring prose, inviting practitioners to reflect deeply on the nature of existence. Its pith statements, such as “Form is emptiness; emptiness is form,” serve as a doorway into understanding the ultimate nature of phenomena and the path to liberation.

Discover how the wisdom of emptiness deepens and strengthens our capacity for boundless compassion, embodying the courageous heart of a bodhisattva. These teachings offer both a refuge and practical tools to navigate the challenges and uncertainties of our times with fearless compassion, clarity, and resilience. Each session will include meditation, teachings, and opportunities for discussion and questions. Participants will also receive guidance for contemplative practices and readings to support their exploration and integration between classes.

This series is open to all, though meditation experience and previous study of the skandhas/aggregates and the 8 consciousnesses is recommended.

Join us in this exploration of timeless wisdom as we uncover the liberating truths of the Prajnaparamita Sutras and open our hearts and minds to the boundless possibilities of emptiness.

$225 course fee
$185 (base)
$175 (Sukhasiddhi member)
$300 (benefactor)

The deadline to register is Saturday, January 18 at 12 PM (Pacific).

**Please Note: This Dharma Deep Dive class series is included in the Bhodi Program as part of the curriculum. If you are already enrolled in Bodhi, you do not need to register separately for this series. 
**Please Note: This Dharma Deep Dive class series is NOT included in the Dharma Training Program. If you are enrolled in DTP and are interested in this series, you will need to register separately.

Vajrayana Buddhism has an empowering and profound view of the true nature of reality, and many methods for deepening one's understanding and realization of true nature. Sukhasiddhi classes offer teachings on Buddhist principles, topics, texts, views of reality, methods, and practices which help to integrate the teachings.


For Those on Zoom
We request you be fully present with Zoom video on for classes and trainings. This is an opportunity for the lamas and teachers to connect with you. If this is not possible, please let the registrar or teacher know.

For Those in Person
Sukhasiddhi Foundation maintains a fragrance-free environment. Please do not use any scented lotions, colognes, aftershave, shampoo, etc. while attending Sukhasiddhi events. Thank you for your consideration.


Lama Döndrup has been practicing and studying in the Buddhist tradition since the mid-1990’s. After five years of Theravadin Buddhist training, she immersed herself in the teachings and practices of the Shangpa and Kagyu Vajrayana lineages. In 2005, she completed a traditional three-year retreat under the guidance of Lama Palden and Lama Drupgyu with the blessing of her root guru, Bokar Rinpoche and was authorized as a lama. Upon her return to Marin County, she began teaching at Sukhasiddhi Foundation. In January 2020, as Lama Palden’s successor, she stepped into the role of Resident Lama, guiding the Center’s ministerial work.

Lama Döndrup’s teaching style is thorough and clear yet with light touch as she supports the natural unfolding of each student’s innate wisdom and compassion. She aims to preserve the authenticity of the tradition while making the teachings and practices relevant and accessible to the lives of 21st century Westerners. In addition to her Buddhist practice, Lama Döndrup trained the Ridhwan School’s Diamond Approach for seven years and has a Masters of Fine Arts degree in piano performance. She is an active classical pianist and teacher in the San Francisco Bay Area.