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Kalu Rinpoche Teaching: A Teaching from Sukhasiddhi

Weekend 2 Teaching Topic: Teachings on a text of Sukhasiddhi's and Niguma's Amulet Mahamudra

Kalu Rinpoche

Please join us this weekend for an opportunity to receive teachings from Kalu Rinpoche, the lineage holder of the Shangpa Kagyu. He will offer inspiring, relevant, and immediately applicable commentary on a teaching by Sukhasiddhi from Jamgön Kongtrül’s Dam Ngag Dzö (gdams ngag mdzod) and on Niguma’s Ga’u Ma (Amulet) Mahamudra text.

The opportunity to learn these teachings will be especially meaningful for us as a Buddhist organization that bears Sukhasiddhi’s name and brings the sacred feminine aspect to the forefront. Sukhasiddhi and Niguma were two wisdom dakinis born in Kashmir who were primary teachers of Khyungpo Naljor and inspired the founding of the Shangpa Kagyu Lineage in the 11th Century. This is an exciting opportunity to learn more about this Sukhasiddhi teaching which was recently translated by Sarah Harding.

Dates: Saturday, Sept 3 & Sunday, Sept 4
Time:  1pm - 4pm each day

Fees: $195 Sukhasiddhi Member rate | $250 or $300 sliding scale choices for non-members

Learn more about all Kalu Rinpoche events here.

August 27

Amitabha Empowerment with Kalu Rinpoche

September 11

Introduction to Buddhism