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Steady on the Path; Walking Truth to Spiritual Power - Week 2

  • Sukhasiddhi Foundation P.O. Box 151327 San Rafael, CA, 94915 United States (map)

Winter 2025 | Awake in the World

Steady on the Path; Walking Truth to Spiritual Power

Sundays | March 2, 9, 16, 2025
10 - 12 PM Pacific | Online Only
led by Rev. Susan Shannon

We enter the Eightfold Path through the Fourth Noble Truth, the Truth of the Path out of Suffering. In the framework of the Buddha being the Physician, the Eightfold Path is the Medicine which prevents us from suffering in the endless sea of samsara. This Eightfold Path is our map to Awakening.

These eight guidelines show us areas in our lives we can implement to refine our attunement toward the cultivation of Bodhicitta. These guidelines are expansive, not restrictive, and when practiced, enable a life that both gives and receives love, awareness, and compassionate understanding in the greatest ways possible to us. It is within the Eightfold Path where we meet the Paramitas-because this path leads from the shore of an egoic, samsaric entrapment to the shore of immeasurable freedom of a life of interconnection and awakening.

As we build or rebuild our moment-to-moment awareness, our mindfulness expands and engages the transformation of our spirit, aligning our horizontal engagement in the world and our communities, with the vertical alignment with our own Buddha nature.


$120 (series fee)
$150 (series fee + support)
$90 (Sukhasiddhi Members)

The deadline to register is Friday, February 28 at 12 PM (Pacific).

March 6

Refuge Vow Ceremony

March 10

Monday Meditation