The Sukhasiddhi Women's Group with Lama Palden


Women in Spiritual Practice Together: An in-depth exploration of the stages of the path from the point of view of Niguma, the extraordinary 11th century fully awakened yogini

From the ultimate point of view we all are awakened beings, it is an illusion that we are not. Yet to free ourselves from suffering and actualize our awakening consciously, we must tread the illusory path which purifies, transforms and liberates our illusory stains that hide our truebuddha nature from us.

The upcoming Women's Group will be going step by step through Niguma’s own commentary on her “Stages in the Path of Illusion.” This is a full treatise on the stages of the path of enlightenment as taught by a fully enlightened yogini. Niguma is one of primary teachers of the Shangpa Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, a Mahayana Tantric Mahamudra Tradition that is one of the rare jewels coming primarily from two fully awakened women of the 11th century.

 Lama Palden Drolma received this tradition, it’s transmissions and it’s teachings from her primary root teacher, Khabje Kalu Rinpoche. 

The Sukhasiddhi Women’s Group is purposefully kept small and intimate for real time learning and personal sharing.

The format is 3 hours a month on a Saturday morning (first session is on a Sunday) Pacific Coast time USA on Zoom 9am-12pm. Approximately 50 minutes each meditation, teaching and discussion, and 45 minutes personal sharing.

Participation in the group requires a 6-month commitment. Admittance is by interview for suitability. 

The book used for this series is: Niguma: Lady of Illusion 

Session Details

Where: Sessions take place on Zoom

Cost: $300 for 6 sessions

When: First session is on Sunday, December 12, 2021, then Saturdays, Jan.8, Feb 12, Mar 12, April 9, and May 14

Time: 9am to 12pm PST

Please note: Class is full.

Lama Palden Drolma

Lama Palden Drolma founded Sukhasiddhi Foundation in 1996, developing its curriculum and teaching virtually all classes, retreats and programs for many years as Resident Lama, bringing many people to the profound transformative path, and supporting their growth. In 2002 she initiated and taught a traditional three year retreat. In addition, Lama Palden has led many pilgrimages to Bhutan and India, and has trained and authorized four of her students as lamas in the Shangpa Kagyu lineage, including Lama Dondrup who completed the three year retreat, and Lamas Tashi (Annik Brunet) and Lama Pat Berube who completed the Shangpa Lineage meditation and training of the three year retreat. Lama Palden has also trained many others as Community Dharma Leaders.

Appointing Lama Döndrup as Resident Lama in 2019, Lama Palden is now Senior Lama of Sukhasiddhi Foundation, teaching the advanced programs. She completed the Tibetan Buddhist three-year retreat in the Shangpa and Kagyu lineages under the previous Kalu Rinpoche’s guidance in 1985. In 1986 she became one of the first women to be authorized as a lama in the Buddhist tradition. In addition to Kalu Rinpoche, she has studied with many of the great Tibetan masters from all lineages. Her new book, Love on Every Breath, released in 2019, shares with modern readers a 1000-year-old meditation that opens the heart and transforms suffering into love and healing. Lama Palden is currently living in Portugal.