Articles & Interviews
Author: Lama Döndrup
Like many religions, Buddhism inspired various paths of practice, philosophy, and ceremony. While there are many different lineages of Buddhism, the two main branches are Theravada and Mahayana. Vajrayana is part of the Mahayana.
The Refuge of the Boundless Heart
Lama Döndrup discusses the power of cultivating the four immeasurable states of love, compassion, joy, and equanimity.
Understanding the Wheel of Life
In this season of the lunar new year, the study of the Wheel of Life and the 12 Links of Interdependent Origination have been a central focus in the Sukhasiddhi Sundays study and practice sessions. The Wheel of Life is a visual representation of samsara (cyclic existence) and its causes and components.
Teachings on the Two Truths
Shakyamuni Buddha’s first of Four Noble Truths is an acknowledgement of the suffering that one experiences in any of the six realms of existence. What a relief it was for me when I first read this foundational teaching. The impact was such that I remember the exact moment in time and location of that first exposure.
Karma: Empowering Compassionate Action
As our human family faces multiple challenges resulting from an accumulation of our past collective actions, it is a good time to reflect on how we might make our current actions contribute to a more wholesome direction in the future.
Meeting Difficult Mind States Moment to Moment
Lama Döndrup suggests ways to reframe crisis and offers simple practices to help us connect with the infinite capacities of our minds and hearts.