Monday Night Meditation
Practicing the dharma is much more than just sitting on the cushion. Though our sitting practice is absolutely important in helping us calm the mind and gain insight into the working of our mind, the integration of what we learn on the cushion or on the chair is vital to the transformation of our habitual patterns that cause us to suffer. And as we work with these patterns throughout the day, we are paving the road for a more stable and reliable happiness.
For example, learning to sit in meditation with some of our more intense sensations, be they physical or emotional, meeting them with acceptance, loving-kindness and compassion, helps us develop the muscle of presence in our day to day life, especially when things ramp up. Because we have taken the time to sit, we are much more prepared to bring conscious, aware spaciousness to whatever is arising in our experience, be it a cranky child, a traffic jam or a disagreement with a loved one. We can breathe and make a choice to respond rather than react which, again, helps us to rewire the old habitual reactive patterns. Our practice then becomes living dharma that has applications in every aspect of our lives.
As we all know, emotions can be extremely intense. I was privy to a moment of this the other day. While I was in my car at a stop sign, my attention was drawn to a young woman in a parking lot who was screaming into her phone. I could tell by the little I could hear that she was angry, hurt and in pain. As she finished the call, she raised up her arm and threw the phone across the parking lot, shattering it, I am sure. I could see the fury of the emotional storm that she was in. This could be any one of us. We have all had and will have our moments.
It takes enormous presence and awareness to work skillfully with these powerful emotions as they arise. Learning how to work with the underlying power of these states and use it in a positive way rather than creating more suffering for ourselves and others is the work at hand. And there is nothing like a regular sitting practice to help support us in this endeavor.
I look forward to seeing you and sitting with you all.
First Monday of the month: Guided meditation and short dharma talk
Last Monday of month: Short Green Tara practice (Tibetan visualization practice) and short dharma talk
Other Mondays: Silent Meditation and short dharma talk
All sessions are free but donations appreciated.
No prior experience is necessary and there is no need to register in advance – just drop in!