Articles & Interviews


Author: Lama Döndrup

Like many religions, Buddhism inspired various paths of practice, philosophy, and ceremony. While there are many different lineages of Buddhism, the two main branches are Theravada and Mahayana. Vajrayana is part of the Mahayana.

Nicolette Meade Nicolette Meade

Summer Reading for Children & Teens

Sukhasiddhi board member and Children’s Librarian, Alicia shares her monthly book recommendations that explore the Buddhist themes of compassion, joy, and kindness.

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Lama Döndrup Lama Döndrup

Karma Kagyu Lineage Masters

The Kagyu school originated from the unconventional yogic traditions of the eighty-four Indian mahasiddhas or “Greatly Realized Ones.” The teachings in this lineage were passed from one master to another individually, each one weaving their own understanding of the practices as they pass the teachings on as a live stream of blessing.

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Lama Döndrup Lama Döndrup

Responding to Violence with the Wisdom of the 5 Buddha Families

In the past 10 days, more than 30 people were killed in 3 mass shooting incidents in New York, California, and Texas, and there were, no doubt, additional violent deaths during that time as well. It is hard to find the words to fully express the heartbreak, the outrage, the frustration that these and the many similar ongoing horrific tragedies give rise to. There is much work to be done individually and collectively in uprooting this level of violence and hatred. It is imperative that we find avenues of action rather than giving way to apathy and complacency.

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Nicolette Meade Nicolette Meade

Summer Reading for Children & Teens: July

Looking for some titles to bring along on your summer travels? We asked Sukhasiddhi board member and Children’s Librarian Alicia Bell if she would share some titles for young children and teens that explore the Buddhist themes of compassion, joy, and kindness.

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Nicolette Meade Nicolette Meade

An Interview with Board Member Alicia Bell

Alicia Bell has been a Sukhasiddhi practitioner for 16 years and currently serves on our Board of Directors. In this interview, Alicia shares her introduction to Buddhism and how she integrates her practice into life and over the course of her 30 years as a Children’s Librarian. Alicia also shares her favorite books on introducing children to Buddhism - a wonderful list that includes beloved authors Thich Naht Hahn, Jon Muth, Demi, and many others that inspire and share the dharma.

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Susan Shannon, M. Div, BCC Susan Shannon, M. Div, BCC

Celebrating Chotrul Düchen: The first of Four Special “Buddha Days”

There are four major Buddha days or "festivals" (düchen) in a year which relate to the life of Buddha Shakyamuni. During these four days, it is said that the effects of positive or negative actions are multiplied 100 million times, so positive thoughts, words and deeds are strongly encouraged. This year Chotrul Düchen, which highlights the end of Losar, will be celebrated on Friday, March 18th, 2022.  

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