Join us for Mahamudra Retreat with Lama Palden and Lama Tashi
Thursday to Sunday, April 10-13, 2025
In-Person & Online
We are moving through a period of turbulence and uncertainty in our world. The vulnerable, impermanent nature of our lives is becoming more evident, challenging us to open more deeply to the unconditional loving-awareness that is our true nature.
To cultivate this loving-awareness, it is helpful to step out of the busyness of our lives and enter a contemplative space where we can open our hearts and settle our minds. We are
then able to look closely at how thoughts and emotions shape our inner and outer experience, and to let go of the fears and grasping which lead to conflict and division.
Every morning, Lama Tashi will introduce the Extraordinary Shamata (Calm-Abiding) Practice of the Shangpa Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. This form of Calm-Abiding gives us a powerful experiential introduction to the “poetics of presence,” the emergent qualities of the elements of earth, water, fire, air, space, and consciousness. Aligning ourselves to such resonant visualizations will balance, pacify, clarify, and awaken our biological and subtle anatomy with the natural elements and seeds of pure perception. In this fashion, we set the necessary foundations for strengthening our capacity to rest as wisdom-awareness, while simultaneously deepening our loving-compassionate appreciation of differences and interdependence.
On this basis, in the afternoon we will meditate, resting deeply in loving- awareness, moving into insight of our awakened nature with Mahamudra practice and pointing out instructions. Via dialogue Lama Palden will work individually with students to help deepen the realization process of Mahamudra meditation.
For people who are interested in the upcoming Mahamudra depth practice program of study, this retreat will be an excellent first step.
Basic familiarity with meditation required.
Thursday - Saturday: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Pacific
Sunday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Pacific
Basic Retreat: $650
Sukhasiddhi Member: $500
Benefactor: $800
Limited Income: $300
If you have financial restrictions that make it difficult to pay the limited income fee, please send and email to