Wheel of Life
The Wheel of Life is a visual representation of samsara (cyclic existence) and its causes and components.
Responding to Violence with the Wisdom of the 5 Buddha Families
The buddhadharma’s perspective on the law of karma/action and result, the interdependent nature of all, buddha nature, the simultaneity of relative and ultimate truths and more provide a view and context that allow us to function in the world skillfully and efficiently as our actions are then guided by the wisdom of the ultimate truth.
Meet Our Teachers
The Sukhasiddhi Teachers’ Council is composed of authorized lamas and dharma leaders who have engaged in extensive spiritual practice and study within our lineages.
Love on Every Breath Meditation
An eight-step meditation that can be done anytime, anywhere, to open your heart, tune into your truest nature, and transform suffering into love and joy.
Excerpted from the book Love on Every Breath. Copyright © 2019 by Lama Palden Drolma.
Green Tara Practices
Green Tara is the feminine manifestation of compassion, coming quickly to the aid of those who call on her, relieving fear and anxiety. We welcome you to connect with Green Tara in these offerings.
Introduction to Vajrayana
Vajrayana Buddhism: Beliefs, Meditations, and Practices
Introduction to Meditation
During these three sessions, Lama Palden provides instructions on learning how to meditate as well short teachings on basic Buddhist spiritual principles. During each class, participants will receive guided instruction on reaching deeper states of meditation, and hear participant's practice questions and difficulties with Lama Palden's answers and advice.
Buddhist Vocabulary
Explore terms used in Buddhism written by our lamas.
How to Find Joy in Suffering
Rev. Susan Shannon shares her passion for Shantideva’s Way of the Bodhisattva
I have had a lifetime of being very nourished by studying the classical texts of Buddhism. When I began reading Shantideva, I was very taken at the invitation he was offering us through the Bodhicaryavatara, which is his guidebook to becoming a bodhisattva.