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Annual Sukhasiddhi Retreat

  • Santa Sabina Retreat Center 25 Magnolia Avenue San Rafael, CA, 94901 United States (map)

Annual Sukhasiddhi Retreat: Mahamudra & the Wisdom of Milarepa

With Lama Palden Drolma & Lama Döndrup | In-person & Online

MAHAMUDRA MEDITATION provides a precise, graduated, step-by-step process for coming to the realization of the true nature of mind & reality, and then being able to rest in that true nature – peaceful, content, joyous. Without realization of the nature of what is, we are often trying to arrange phenomena to be the way we would like, which often results in frustration & suffering.

The retreat will combine sitting meditation with teaching and instruction, and will move through the stages of the path leading to realization. Beginning with shamatha (Tib: shiné) meditation, the mind is brought to stability. Then in vipashyana (Tib: lhaktong) meditation, the nature of our experience is examined and its true, nondual nature is ultimately realized. The actual Mahamudra practice joins the two, resting in the primordial purity of true nature and experiencing phenomena self-liberate.

WISDOM OF MILAREPA: The Mahamudra practice and teachings will be enhanced in the afternoon with teaching on and the practice of Milarepa, which is a Guru Yoga practice in which we merge our minds with Milarepa’s. This is a Vajrayana practice that beautifully invokes heartful inspiration and devotion in the context of Mahamudra. The Milarepa teachings will include exploring his joyful songs of realization, which allow for a different level of transmission and integration.


Please note: In-person attendance fees include meals and program fees.

Teacher dana is not included in any of the fees.

Single Room - Member rate: $1455 | Non-member rate: $1555

Double Room - Member rate: $1205 | Non-member rate: $1305

Commuter - Member rate: $1025 | Non-member rate: $1125

Online - Member rate: $675 | Non-member rate: $775

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Chenrezig Puja to Celebrate Saga Dawa Düchen

August 27

Kalu Rinpoche Teaching: Shamatha & Vipashyana of Mahamudra