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Kalu Rinpoche Teaching: Shamatha & Vipashyana of Mahamudra

Kalu Rinpoche Teaching Topic: Shamatha & Vipashyana of Mahamudra

All teachings will take place online via Zoom

Kalu Rinpoche

Teaching Topic: Shamatha (Calm Abiding) is the practice of bringing the mind to stillness by resting in non-distraction. Once the mind is stable, one looks directly at the mind through the nonconceptual, meditative inquiry of Vipashyana to come to recognize its nature. The insight that arises through engaging in these practices allows one to recognize cause of suffering and the mind’s boundless nature and capacity. Wisdom, compassion and all the qualities of a bodhisattva then naturally spring forth, and one can access the wisdom that recognizes the nature of mind.

Dates: Saturday, Aug 27 & Sunday, Aug 28
Time:  9:30am -4pm each day
FEES: $195 Sukhasiddhi Member rate | $250 or $300 sliding scale choices for non-members

Learn more about all Kalu Rinpoche events here.

June 20

Annual Sukhasiddhi Retreat

August 27

Amitabha Empowerment with Kalu Rinpoche